


Emails filtered



Blocked malware



Blacklisted IPs

Block Malware

Real-time protection against malicious actions. Malware is immediately detected and blocked.

Spam Filter

No more unwanted emails. We clean your organization inbox of junk messages. Blocks 99.9% of the junk. Fully customizable filters for a perfect environment fit.

Email Security

Encrypt sensitive emails sent from inside and prevent intrusion attempts from outside.

Inbound Filtering

We scan all incoming emails and provide real-time detection. SpamPrison is the first line of defense against spam, unwanted emails, viruses, phisting and willful attacks. Save time and money by protecting your computed against most common threats.

Outbound Filtering

Protect your company reputation so your messages will always reach the intended recipient. Don’t let any unwanted spam message or malware occur from within the company. Ensure a high reputation for your corporate IPs by blocking compromised accounts from your network.


We store your emails permanently and we encrypt them to prevent leaked information. Our solution is cloud-based and will help you fulfill all legal obligations for email archiving (HIPAA, GDPdU, Sarbanes Oxley, SEC rules)

Remarkable Accuracy

Unlike other spam filtering systems that rely on fancy algorithms that spammers can easily defeat, SpamHero’s rule based system features million of rules that are constantly updated and maintained by live superheroes and robots 24/7.

More Info


In just one month, we blocked nearly 40.000 spam emails. The administrative burden that we save with this tool is enormous. The setup was very easy and the easy-to-use web interface makes analysis and reporting very easy.

John Smith, IT Expert

In just one month, we blocked nearly 40.000 spam emails. The administrative burden that we save with this tool is enormous. The setup was very easy and the easy-to-use web interface makes analysis and reporting very easy.

Alice Evans, Media Planner

In just one month, we blocked nearly 40.000 spam emails. The administrative burden that we save with this tool is enormous. The setup was very easy and the easy-to-use web interface makes analysis and reporting very easy.

Phoebe Wilson, QI Specialist

In just one month, we blocked nearly 40.000 spam emails. The administrative burden that we save with this tool is enormous. The setup was very easy and the easy-to-use web interface makes analysis and reporting very easy.


Secure your email with SpamPrison, the high-security jail for cyber threats!
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